Thursday, September 18, 2014

Reducing Consumption

The corrollary to getting rid of excess is also limiting our consumption. This is the reuse part of the recycling idea, and I'm not as good at it as I am at reducing. I tried limiting my shopping to only essentials last January, an idea I found on the blog Small Notebook. Great idea, but I found that the limitation actually made me focus more on my wants (kind of like forbidding chocolate makes it all I can think about).

I've found several ways to cope with this:
     * If it's a non-consumable item, I try to find something that we already own that can serve the purpose (I may not have a purple t-shirt, but could navy work just as well?).
     * If it's a consumable item, I ask if we really need it (turns out, we don't actually need dusting cloths for the floors- we do just fine with the vacuum and occassional spot cleaning).
     * If I can't make do, I try to buy used or borrow (thanks for lending us all those tools Dad!).
     * If I have to buy new, I try to make an informed choice about how to do it. Is it something we'll need repeatedly, so that buying a quality version will create less waste over time? Is it something we'll only need once, but can pass on to someone else? Is there a greener product that performs comparably?

This is definitely a process for me. How have you reduced your consumption?

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